Why is my phone so hot?

Why Is My Phone So Hot? Exploring the Causes and Solutions

Have you ever wondered why your phone gets hot? It's common for your phone to heat up when you use it, but it could be a sign of trouble if it gets excessively hot. It is crucial to consider and identify the factors that can cause overheating to ensure optimal performance and longevity of your phone. We have developed a detailed guide to assist you in figuring out what's causing your phone to overheat and how to fix it. Understanding the causes of phone overheating and implementing protective measures can prevent long-term damage to your mobile device. Continue reading, please!

Why Do Mobile Devices Get Excessively Hot?

Overuse or having too many apps running behind might cause a phone to overheat. In addition, malware, software issues, and prolonged exposure to sunlight are all potential causes of overheating on your phone. While some heat is expected from our phones, excessive heat can indicate a more serious issue.

If your phone is becoming excessively hot to hold, we can assist you in identifying the issue. When you see your phone getting warm on the back, it's likely because the Battery works too much to handle the tasks you've given. Lithium-ion batteries in modern smartphones are very powerful but cause heat while generating electricity. That is why it is normal for your phone to become warm, especially after using it for a long time.

Why Do Mobile Devices Get Hot When Charging?

It is common that the phone overheats while charging. If your phone overheats while charging, it is likely due to a broken charging port, a worn-out charging cable, or a damaged battery. To test these components, try charging your phone using a different charging port, cable, or wireless charger. You can also connect your charger to a different outlet. Hopefully, after that, your phone will not get heated up while charging.

Why Do Android Phones Overheat?

Android devices are more likely to get hot because of common reasons like harmful apps, viruses, and numerous activities in the background. If your Android device or Battery gets too hot, frequently keep reading to find out how to lower the temperature.

Why Do iPhones Overheat?

The iPhone is not prone to viruses as Apple closely monitors the apps on the App Store. So, iOS devices are less likely to experience common phone issues like overheating. But that statement might not be completely true. The reason is that it also becomes hot because of extensive processing or exposure to sunlight. If you want to stop your iPhone from getting too hot fast, we can help you find a solution. Please continue reading!

Why Do iPhones Overheat?

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12 Reasons Behind Why the Phone Gets Overheated and How to Fix It

1) Processor Gets Overloaded

Smartphones act similarly to compact computers, with one notable distinction. The computers have internal fans to maintain cool temperatures, and phones lack this cooling mechanism. Normally, cell phones are very good at dissipating heat, but they have their limits. A few examples that can overload a processor are:

  • Running an excessive number of applications simultaneously
  • Poor settings like dynamic backgrounds or widgets
  • Watching streaming video content on platforms such as Netflix or YouTube.
  • Capturing lengthy videos on your smartphone
  • Engaging in prolonged mobile gaming
  • Keeping high screen brightness all the time.

2) Malware

Sometimes, your phone might get too hot for no clear reason. If your phone has yet to be in a warm place or if you've installed too many apps, malware might be the issue. Your phone can have the same problems as desktop computers. For example, it can be easily infected by online viruses and malware. Sometimes, these can put too much strain on the processor and cause the device to shut down. 

Your phone may have malware, which can execute apps, widgets, and other malicious tasks in the background and strain its processing. Putting too much pressure on your processor causes it to produce more heat. Our guide has also provided instructions on efficiently removing malware from your device. Additionally, we have included tips on preventing future overheating issues. 

3) Sunlight Exposure 

Phones can also become excessively hot if they are exposed to direct sunlight. Exposing your phone to sunlight can result in battery depletion and other performance issues. It can also cause permanent damage to its internal components.

4) Adjusting Display Settings

Increasing the screen's brightness to the highest level and using widgets and 3D wallpapers can worsen a phone's performance. If you want to stop your phone from getting too hot, you can try a few things:

  • Lower your screen’s brightness.
  • Only keep the widgets on your home screen that you need.
  • Choose a static wallpaper that doesn't move or change.

5) Faulty Charging Cable or Battery

Your phone might get dangerously hot if you use a damaged charger, cord, or Battery. You should immediately discontinue use if you detect a burning odor, scorch marks, or melting plastic while charging equipment. Please don't harm yourself when disconnecting it from your cell phone or the wall outlet. Your overheated phone can be fixed by immediately replacing the malfunctioning circuit or Battery. Only utilize high-quality charging equipment, such as the manufacturer's designated cables and chargers.

Faulty Charging Cable or Battery

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6) Hardware Damage

Internal damage to your phone can cause it to overheat. It's common for phones to fall accidentally, making some parts loose. That can lead to problems like short circuits and overheating. If the thermal paste on your phone gets damaged, it won't be able to transfer heat from the processor properly.

7) Ventilation Blockage and Tight Back Cover

If debris blocks the charging port of your phone, it can cause overheating as it serves as ventilation for the device. Your phone is likely to overheat if the ventilation is blocked, especially on a hot summer day or if it is exposed to direct sunlight for an extended period. Carefully clean the charging port using a cotton swab or toothpick. Another reason can be a tight back cover. It can also become the reason to heat the battery. 

8) Device Is Old

If you use an older phone, it might get too hot. Different parts of your phone, such as the thermal paste on the processor, are more likely to wear out as the hardware gets older. If the thermal paste wears off, your phone can overheat quickly. If you plan on using your phone for a long time, it's a good idea to take breaks or turn off features like Bluetooth to give your phone's processor a break.

9) Outdated Apps

If your phone gets too hot, it could be because of an app you're using. That app may have a bug or any other problem that causes it to overuse your processor. Regularly updating your software and OS is essential, as updates frequently include critical bug fixes. After installing the update, your phone should run more smoothly and heat up less often. You can also stop using the app and delete it to avoid further problems. 

10) Software updates

A phone can overheat either during or immediately after an update. The possible reason for this could be a bug in the operating system that needed to be fixed with an update. This update might require a temporary increase in power, but it should not cause a long-term overheating problem. Software updates, specifically for Android phones, have been problematic.

11) Intensive Gaming

Some intensive games can strain the CPU and GPU of your mobile phone to their limits. As a result, your phone will start overheating. You can run cell phone-friendly games and only play for occasional times. Continuous gaming for several hours can cause your device to overheat, especially when playing graphically demanding games.

12) Closing Background Apps

It's a good idea to close all the apps on your phone, even if you think they're not overheating your phone. Having many apps open or running programs that need lots of power can make your phone heat up quickly.

Closing Background Apps


Ways to Keep Your Phone Cool

If your phone gets too hot, there are a few easy steps to fix and make it work again.

1) Avoid Using Your Phone in Direct Sunlight

If your phone gets too hot from being in the sun, quickly move it to a cool spot. If it stays directly under the sun, it won't cool down. However, placing your phone in the freezer is not recommended. Some people think that this will make the cooling process faster. But if you expose your phone to very hot or very cold temperatures, it could cause more damage. Instead, place it in a place that is cool and dry. Leave it there without touching it for a few minutes. Afterward, it will go back to its normal condition.

2) Enable Airplane Mode & Turn Off Your Phone

Enabling airplane mode effectively addresses phone overheating by turning off unnecessary background programs. It could speed up the cooling process. Another alternative is to power off your phone entirely. That is one of the quickest methods to restore your phone's temperature to normal.

3) Remove Background Apps and Update Them Regularly

If your phone is getting too hot, it's a good idea to close all the apps running in the background. That will help the temperature go back to normal. Updating your apps is a good idea if you have not done it recently. App updates are important because they fix bugs. These enhancements make your phone work better and prevent it from getting overloaded.

4) Place a Fan With Your Phone

Get some cool air to blow on your phone to lower the temperature. You can position a fan or air-conditioning unit close to your device. To avoid damaging the hardware, you must avoid placing your hot phone in the fridge or freezer.

5) Activate Battery-Saving Mode

Putting the device into battery-saver or power-saving mode can help it last longer between charges. It depends on the specific model and operating system of your phone. Turning on the iPhone's Low Power Mode is a good idea. That can help prevent background processes from consuming resources and causing your phone to overheat.

Activate Battery-Saving Mode

6) Adjust Screen Brightness

You can activate auto-brightness or adaptive brightness. Lowering the brightness of your screen has multiple benefits. It helps save battery, prevents overheating, and promotes better eye health. When you turn on the auto-brightness feature, your phone will change the screen brightness. It does this by adjusting the brightness according to where you are, like making it brighter when you're outside.

7) Take Your Phone Case Off

Phone cases are important for keeping your phone safe from physical damage. However, it's important to know that some may lack proper ventilation. Your phone can get too hot due to a tight phone case. Removing the case if you have one is a good idea.

8) Charge the Device Correctly

For the best charging results, it's suggested to use a charger that comes with your phone or one from a trusted brand. In addition, it's a good idea to charge your phone on a stable and flat surface. 

If you charge your phone on your couch or bed, it won't be able to release heat while it's charging. You might have heard that charging your smartphone overnight is not good for the battery, but that is false. Smartphones have safety features to avoid overcharging; you only need to enable them. So it's safe to charge your phone overnight. It's important to put your phone on a hard surface when charging. Don't charge it under your pillow. 

9) Use an Antivirus

Mobile spyware and other types of malware can cause excessive strain on your Android phone, leading to overheating. To prevent your phone from overheating, eliminate any mobile malware. Mobile malware can put your sensitive information at risk. It can also steal your banking details, track your location, and drain your battery. They can also encrypt important files or your entire device. To safeguard your phone from malware and rogue apps that can cause excessive heating, consider installing AVG AntiVirus for Android.

Use an Antivirus

How to Check the Temperature of Your Smartphone?

It is essential to understand that all phones experience some level of heat. But How can you know when the temperature is a problem? Under normal operating conditions, the internal temperature of your phone typically ranges from 98.6 to 109.4 degrees Fahrenheit. Here are some tips to help you determine if the temperature of your iPhone or Android device is abnormal.

a) For iPhone Users:

It is not possible to get temperature readings on an iPhone. However, the Battery Health feature provides you with the data regarding battery usage. It also helps you identify which apps are consuming the most battery power. Select the Battery option from the Settings menu. 

To view battery usage information, select Battery Health. You can determine if your battery is worn by checking the Maximum Capacity and Peak Performance Capability in the Battery Health settings. It may be time to get a new battery if your current one shows signs of not performing at its best.

b) For Android Users:

Like an iPhone, it is impossible to directly measure your Android device's temperature using its built-in features. AIDA64 is an app that gives you important details about your phone's hardware and software. It can provide information about different things. For example, it can tell you how much RAM your phone uses, the CPU speed, and the temperature of your phone. 

To access the battery settings, go to the settings menu and click on the battery option. If you want to see how your battery has been used in the last 24 hours, select "Battery Usage."

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What Are the Sources of Heat on Your Mobile Phone?

The Battery, the processor, or the screen are the most common culprits when a phone overheats. The tiny particles in your phone's battery change chemical energy into electrical energy. Your CPU sends data very quickly, and your screen gives off heat. So, how can you identify the root cause of your phone heating up? If you look at where the heat is coming from on your phone, you can figure out why it's becoming so hot.

a) Back Side of the Phone

If the back of your phone becomes hot, it could indicate that your battery is overheating. Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries, used in most modern mobile phones, are remarkably powerful despite their small size. While lithium-ion batteries are generally considered safe, there is still a possibility of malfunctions occurring. If an older battery is running hot, it needs to be changed. Batteries degrade with time and become less effective.

b) Phone’s Bottom

The charger may malfunction if the bottom of the phone gets warm during charging. It's best to use the charger that comes with your phone. As long as third-party chargers come from a respected manufacturer, you can also use them as they are fine.

c) By the Speaker, the Screen, or the Area Above the Battery

Suppose your phone is experiencing excess heat and is not coming from the battery or charger area. In that scenario, the temperature rise could be because of an excessively utilized processor or external factors such as direct sunlight.

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In conclusion, it is widely recognized that phones have become vital in our daily lives. Nevertheless, it can be incredibly frustrating when our phones become excessively hot to the touch. As previously mentioned, various factors can cause our phones to overheat, and fortunately, numerous methods exist to avoid this issue. Understanding that excessive heat can cause significant damage to our phones is of utmost importance. Hence, it is essential to implement preventive measures and allow our devices sufficient room to operate effectively. However, if your phone continues to overheat, feel free to seek professional assistance. We hope that this guide was helpful for you. We hope this guide helped you. You can find additional guides from Roobotech to help you solve other technical problems.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it a cause for concern if your phone becomes hot? 

Indeed, a phone that overheats a lot might cause a problem. Phones naturally emit heat, so there is no cause for concern if your phone feels slightly warm. However, if the heat is intense or persists for a long time, it may indicate another serious problem with your phone that requires attention.  

What happens when a phone gets too hot? 

Overheating can harm your phone over time. When a device gets too hot, it can damage the battery, make the software run slower, cause the inside components to melt, and make the device not last as long. 

What is the dangerous heating temperature for a phone? 

It is advisable to refrain from using your phone when the temperature exceeds 95 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep the temperature within 32 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit (0 to 35 degrees Celsius). Also, avoid storing it at temperatures exceeding 113 degrees Fahrenheit. 

Can I place a phone in the freezer?

Putting your phone in the fridge or freezer is not a good idea because it could cause irreparable damage. Battery saver mode, deleting unused files, and reducing background data consumption can all help keep your phone cool. You can also restart your phone to cool it. If problems persist, check your phone for malware and remove it.

What are the apps to cool down my phone?

You can use apps like AVG Cleaner for Android to help with overheating problems. These apps remove unnecessary files and data-consuming apps that use your phone's resources. Using antivirus software for Android and iOS mobile security can help improve performance. Some malware can take control of your phone's resources for bad reasons, but antivirus software can protect against that.

How can I review my phone's temperature?

Certain applications can display the temperature and status of parts inside your device. Phones can handle temperatures up to 43°C (109.4°F).

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